måndag, maj 21, 2007

Splunk Base 2.2.3 - FreeBSD installation

Splunk Install on FreeBSD 6.2

You have to install ports before proceeding

cd /usr/ports/misc/compat5x
#make install clean

#mkdir /usr/local/src
cd /usr/local/src

#pkg_add -r wget

#wget 'http://www.splunk.com/index.php/download_track?file=/2.2.3/freebsd/splunk-2.2.3-18173-freebsd-5.4-intel.tgz&ac=&wget=true&name=wget'

Override default installation directory (/opt/splunk) I think nonstandard stuff "should" go to /usr/local/.. ..

#pkg_add -v -p /usr/local/src/ splunk-2.1-freebsd-5.4-intel.tgz

Start Splunk
License shows
Accept? y

Splunk now listens on


If you want Splunk to listen for syslog,
be certain to keep it form starting on reboot.

# vi /etc/rc.conf



Then setup Splunk to run on startup

#crontab -e

@reboot /usr/local/src/splunk/bin/./splunk start


Still, you need to enable local firewall for protection


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2015-12-29 07:08  

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